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Global Social Media Impact Study


Project Blog


Our panel at the American Anthropological Association Meeting

By Tom McDonald, on 28 November 2014


The Global Social Media Impact Study will be presenting a special Invited Panel entitled Global Social Media and Global Social Anthropology at the American Anthropological Association Meeting at Washington D.C.

Panel time: Thursday, December 4, 2014: 6:30 PM–8:15 PM
Panel location: Marriott Balcony A (Marriott Wardman Park)

Full details of the panel can be viewed on the AAA website. It will be a great opportunity to hear more about findings from our unique comparative research project.

We are incredibly fortunate to have the panel chaired by Heather A Horst (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology). We will also be joined by Faye Ginsburg (New York University) and George E Marcus (University of California Irvine) who will be leading discussion of the panel.

We look forward to meeting many of you there!

Updated (01 December 2014): Our team will be tweeting during the conference using the #GlobalSocialMedia hashtag.