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UCL Women's Liberation



Archive for the 'Seminars' Category

UCL Women’s Liberation SIG Spring Term 2021 – Selina Todd

By UCL Women's Liberation, on 6 January 2021

‘Women and Social Mobility in Postwar Britain’

Professor Selina Todd, Department of History, University of Oxford

Women were ignored in the first wave of research on social mobility –  in postwar Britain – and their experiences and mobility have been underplayed or misrepresented since then. This presentation examines reasons for this and illuminates some of their experiences and what these can tell us about British society, sex and class, since the early twentieth century.

UCL Women’s Liberation are delighted to welcome Professor Selina Todd.

Date: 27th January 2021, 2-3pm

Register in advance for this meeting:


A recording is now available via UCl Media Central ‘Women and Social Mobility in Postwar Britain’ – Professor Selina Todd https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/55499

UCL Women’s Liberation SIG Autumn Term 2020 – Sophie Scott

By UCL Women's Liberation, on 26 November 2020

‘Let’s Talk about Brain Sex’ with Professor Sophie Scott

2 Dec 14.00-15.00 via Zoom

We welcome Sophie Scott, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience who will lead the seminar for the Autumn Term meeting of the UCL Women’s Liberation Special Interest Group.

“In this talk I will outline some of the theories and studies behind the brain sex theory of differences between male and female brains. The aim is to critically evaluate what differences there are between male/female brains and behaviour, and what any of this might mean in terms of arguments about women’s liberation.”

Please join us for this seminar which is open all UCL staff and students who share a concern for Women’s Liberation, all welcome!

Register in advance for this meeting:

A recording is now available via UCL Media Central ‘Let’s Talk About Brain Sex’ – Professor Sophie Scott https://mediacentral.ucl.ac.uk/Play/54419