UCL Women’s Liberation SIG – Spring Term 2020 meeting postponed
By UCL Women's Liberation, on 27 February 2020
In light of the rapidly changing situation in relation to Covid-19 the convenors of the SIG have decided to postpone the SIG meeting tomorrow.
Apologies for such short notice, but given the decision on Friday to end all face-to-face teaching at UCL, and the Director of IOE’s decision to cancel all public events we felt it was necessary.
We hope to see you when the event is rescheduled.
Holly Smith, Judith Suissa and Alice Sullivan Co-Convenors of UCL Women’s Liberation Special Interest Group
UCL Women’s Liberation Special Interest Group Spring Term Meeting
‘Let’s Talk about Brain Sex’
16 March 1-2pm Room 675, 20 Bedford Way, IOE
We welcome Sophie Scott, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience who will lead the seminar for the Spring Term meeting of the Women’s Liberation Special Interest Group.
“In this talk I will outline some of the theories and studies behind the brain sex theory of differences between male and female brains. The aim is to critically evaluate what differences there are between male/female brains and behaviour, and what any of this might mean in terms of arguments about women’s liberation.”
Please join us for this seminar which is open all UCL staff and students who share a concern for Women’s Liberation, all welcome!