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UCL events news and reviews


Going digital: alumni professional networking event

By news editor, on 29 March 2012

Ian Bartlett, Head of UCL Publications & Marketing Services, reports on the recent alumni professional networking event.

What is the secret for a successful career in the world of digital media? What degree should you take? How do you stay on top in this fast-moving environment?

These questions and many more were addressed by the discussion panel of UCL alumni as they spoke and during the following Q & A sessions, the event being chaired by Professor Claire Warwick (@clhw1) from the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities.

From a personal angle, I wanted to learn more about the paths taken by panel members to reach the positions that they now hold.

From the perspective of my role as UCL’s Head of Publications and Marketing Services (PAMS), I wanted to know:
1) Were the UCL degrees taken by each of the panel members integral to their success?
2) Where did panel members see digital media heading next?
3) How does an organisation cope with the fast-changing developments in digital marketing?


UCL Alumni Professional Networking Event: Not-For-Profit

By news editor, on 21 June 2011

Want to get into charity? Go into business…Esmé Jones (English Literature and Language, 2010) reports on the Not-For-Profit UCL Alumni Professional Networking Event.

I have never been to an event before where I have been able to talk so openly with other guests about my frustrations, expectations and hopes for my later career. It was my first event as an ‘alumni’, and I was very impressed – it was fantastic to be invited back to UCL and to network in a personal, as well as professional capacity with new graduates, more ‘experienced’ graduates and a stellar panel.


UCL Alumni Professional Networking Event: Entrepreneurship

By Carly Schnabl, on 28 March 2011

Cakes, elderly care, opinion polling and a popular restaurant chain may at first glance appear entirely unrelated. In fact, they are all extremely successful ventures that were instigated by the entrepreneurial UCL alumni who were on the panel for last Wednesday night’s CASE Circle of Excellence alumni professional networking event. UCL students Ben Wakeham, 3rd year BA Philosophy and Economics and Tom Palmer, 3rd year BSc Economics report on the event.


UCL forum on careers in Government and policy

By ucyondr, on 21 March 2011

On 8 March, UCL Careers service held a PhD Employers Forum on Careers in Government and Policy. The aim of the event was to provide UCL research students with the opportunity to question and network with employers from the area of government and policy.