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UCL events news and reviews


Open House London 2011 at UCL

By David R Shanks, on 3 October 2011

Open House London is an annual event designed to showcase the city’s architectural treasures. This year UCL again opened its doors to become one of seven hundred properties that could be visited free of charge.

The Flaxman Gallery at UCL

The Flaxman Gallery at UCL

Regular tours took place around the cloisters overlooking the main quadrangle, taking in the Flaxman Gallery and Jeremy Bentham’s ‘auto-icon’. In addition, the Grant Museum, Strang Print Room and Petrie Museum extended their visiting hours.

As a recent graduate of the Architectural Diploma programme, I was looking forward to revisiting these spaces afresh, to learn about their history rather than simply scurrying through them to return library books or construct exhibitions.


UCL Alumni Professional Networking Event: Not-For-Profit

By news editor, on 21 June 2011

Want to get into charity? Go into business…Esmé Jones (English Literature and Language, 2010) reports on the Not-For-Profit UCL Alumni Professional Networking Event.

I have never been to an event before where I have been able to talk so openly with other guests about my frustrations, expectations and hopes for my later career. It was my first event as an ‘alumni’, and I was very impressed – it was fantastic to be invited back to UCL and to network in a personal, as well as professional capacity with new graduates, more ‘experienced’ graduates and a stellar panel.


UCL Economics Alumni Event – “The talk of doom”

By Carly Schnabl, on 19 April 2011

“The talk of doom” – that’s how they refer to this lecture at the Institute for Fiscal Studies. A wide range of UCL Economists – from current students to seasoned alumni – gathered on 13 April to listen to Carl Emmerson of the IFS speak at the UCL Economics Alumni Event, “Disease and cure in the UK: The fiscal impact of the crisis and the policy response”. UCL student Tom Palmer (Economics BSc, Third year) reports on the event.

Carl Emmerson, Institute for Fiscal Studies, speaks at the event


CNN’s Earth’s Frontiers – The Nuclear Debate

By Carly Schnabl, on 18 April 2011

Mel Green, UCL alumna, reports on the event hosted by UCL in collaboration with CNN’s Earth’s Frontiers on 11 April to debate the motion: Nuclear energy remains the best option for powering our future.
