Lecturecast Library and Virtual Courses for PGT students
By Chris S Blackman, on 30 May 2014
OK, I am looking at all the good work done by my fellow ELDG-ers and in all fairness I have to put my hands up and say this one is proceeding slowly.
The overall objective here was to provide a keyword searchable database of Chemistry undergraduate lecturecasts to act as a library resource for PGT students, with an ultimate aim of allowing ‘virtual’ courses to be tailored to suit individual learning requirements to support the PGT courses.
The 200 hours+ of footage we have has been viewed and catalogued but we are currently struggling with creating an index that provides sufficient detail to allow individual lectures on particular themes to be identified but without becoming so large that the concept of ‘key’ words is lost. This is taking an extraordinary amount of time!
I had hoped to have a demonstrator ready for todays deadline, but we are currently becalmed. I will update the blog when I have something nifty to show off. I still believe this can grow to be a very valuable resource, which will hopefully be in place for the start of the new academic year.