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DIS Student Blog


Department of Information Studies


Open Evening for PhD Students

By Anne Welsh, on 21 October 2010

We are holding an open evening on Thursday 25 November 2010 17:00–20:00. If you are considering doctoral study in librarianship, information science, archives and records management, publishing and digital humanities, we would like to talk to you! We are currently recruiting students to join our doctoral cohort from September 2011. We have a doctoral scholarship from the Arts and Humanities Research Council for which we are also inviting applications.

To join us; hear more about the Department of Information Studies, and ask questions about studying for a PhD, email to : infostudies-enquiries@ucl.ac.uk or see: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/infostudies/research/research-students/


(This item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)

Teaching Fellowship

By Anne Welsh, on 27 August 2010

Jenny Bunn has been appointed to a one-year Teaching Fellow post which will support the additional student numbers on the MA ARM and RAMI programmes. Jenny has worked as an archivist at the National Archives and in several banking and specialist archive services. She will be teaching archival description, principles of archives and records management and an option in digital description. Jenny is currently in the writing up phase of her PhD.


(This item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)

Image: UCL Media

IREX Fellowship

By Anne Welsh, on 16 April 2010

First year MPhil / PhD candidate Sara Wingate Gray has been awarded a $7,500 IREX fellowship to fund a research trip to Romania, presenting her work in Washington at the ALA conference, and at IFLA.


(This item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)


Image: IREX

One & Other

By Anne Welsh, on 15 October 2009

First year MPhil / PhD student Sara Wingate Gray was supported by a choir singing the library song as she built the Itinerant Poetry Library upon Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth for her alloted hour in One & Other on October 9th. You can see a video of her public engagement project on the One & Other website.

(A version of this item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)

Image: IREX

Publish or Perish

By Anne Welsh, on 4 September 2009

Peter Williams has recently completed a study with The Committee on Publication Ethics, examining how and why journals retract articles. By exploring editors’ experiences of the retraction process and the nature of retraction statements COPE hopes to develop guidelines for authors. The study was featured in a recent THE article on the ‘Publish or perish’ factor in withdrawal of science papers. article


Pete was awarded an Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research Studentship for 2008-2009.

(This item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)

Image: Pete’s departmental webpage


BME staff in library and information science profession

By Anne Welsh, on 9 April 2009

A new report commissioned from the Department’s CIBER research group by CILIP in London has been co-authored by Pete Williams, and is available for download:

Peter Williams and David Nicholas. Exploring the low representation of Black and Minority Ethnic staff
in the library and information science profession: case study of London: a study by CIBER, UCL commissioned by CILIP in London. [pdf]. UCL, 2009

Pete was awarded an Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Research Studentship for 2008-2009.

(A version of this item was originally posted to the UCL DIS News & Events page by D.J. Clarke)

Image: Pete’s departmental webpage