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DIS Research Seminars



Archive for the 'Information Literacy' Category

Research Talk by David Pearson

By p.vrikki, on 24 November 2024

Book Owners Online

The talk was delivered on 13 November 2024 by David Pearson, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Information Studies, as part of the DIS research seminars series.

Book Owners Online (https://bookowners.online/Main_Page) is a freely available online database hosted at UCL, developed by David Pearson, providing a reference point for book historians, collectors, dealers and anyone interested in historic book ownership. It offers an opportunity to consider the rationale, challenges and prospects for digital humanities resources like this, and David will explore these themes in his talk. Bio: David Pearson retired in 2017 as Director of Culture, Heritage & Libraries for the City of London Corporation, after a long career managing libraries and collections, mostly in London. He now focuses on his academic work as a book historian, with particular interests in the ways that books have been owned, used and bound, and his books include Provenance Research in Book History (new edn 2019), English Bookbinding Styles 1450-1800 (2005), Speaking Volumes: Books with Histories (2022) and Cambridge Bookbinding 1450-1770 (2023). He is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the School of Advanced Study at the University of London, was Lyell Reader in Bibliography at Oxford in 2018, and Sandars Reader at Cambridge in 2023. He is a Past President of the Bibliographical Society and teaches regularly at the Rare Book Schools in London and Virginia.

Research talk by Alison Hicks

By Antonios Bikakis, on 26 October 2023

Sociocultural approaches to information literacy: Space races, wish-cycling and squabbling siblings

The talk was delivered on 25 October 2023 by Dr. Alison Hicks, member of the FOIL group, as part of the DIS research seminars series.

Sociocultural approaches to information literacy, which recognise that information literacy is shaped through dialogue and debate, have not always been welcomed within LIS, being variously critiqued as ‘fashionable,’ of no interest to practitioners or as irrelevant given the availability of other conceptual work. Yet, it could be argued that these ideas have irrevocably changed the direction of information literacy research and practice, not least by challenging ingrained assumptions about ways of knowing- and how we teach for these ideas. This presentation critically analyses the legacy of information literacy’s sociocultural turn by reflecting on how these ideas have been developed since the early 2000s, how they have been integrated into information literacy discourse and narratives and their contributions to information literacy research and practice.

This presentation has been adapted from Alison’s recent keynote presentation for the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) for UNESCO Global MIL Week.

Research talk by Charles Inskip

By Antonios Bikakis, on 26 October 2023

The impact of the pandemic on musicologists’ use of technology

The talk was delivered on 18 October 2023 by Dr. Charles Inskip, member of the FOIL group, as part of the DIS research seminars series.

This talk will explore two key findings from a global survey of musicologists’ use of technology in their research during the pandemic. The impact of the technology on community-building was raised throughout the survey responses. The ability to meet across borders was highlighted, as were the limitations of networking in online conferences. The sudden shift to teaching and learning online was another important factor in many participants respondents. The impact on teaching performance online, and heavy teaching loads being prioritised over research highlight the interconnected roles of the musicologist in teaching and learning. This research contributes towards understanding the complex nature of the information behaviour of musicologists. Understanding more about how they use technology, develop community, and fulfil their multiple roles would enable provision of bespoke research support.