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Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Archive for the 'Digital Assessment' Category

Initial release of Marks Transfer available on UCL Moodle!

By Kerry, on 18 March 2024

What is it?

A new UCL Moodle integration is now available to facilitate the transfer of marks from Moodle to Portico, aimed at improving the overall process. The marks transfer integration has been tested during two pilot phases and has received very positive feedback.

You can complete marks transfer for the following assessment scenarios:

  • One Moodle assessment activity is linked to one assessment component in Portico
  • One Moodle assessment activity is linked to multiple assessment components in Portico

Using the following Moodle assessment activity-types:

  • Moodle Assignment
  • Moodle Quiz
  • Turnitin Assignment (single submission)

In addition, the following conditions must be met:

  • A Portico enrolment block must be used to create a mapping with a Module Delivery to your Moodle course.​
  • An assessment component (or components) exists in Portico to map against.​
  • Assessment marks are numerical and 0-100.​
  • The assessment component(s) in Portico is compatible with SITS Marking Schemes and SITS Assessment Types.​
  • For exam assessments, the Portico assessment component is the exam room code EXAMMDLE. 

The flowchart below provides a visual overview of when you can use this initial release of Marks Transfer.

Flowchart indicating when you can use the initial release of Marks Tranfer.

How do I use it?

For guidance on how to use marks transfer, you can view our general overview, how to guide and FAQs.

There will also be demonstration and drop in support sessions: open to all to find out how to use the wizard / ask questions (note – you are welcome to “drop in” to these sessions with questions and do not need to stay for the whole duration). Please use the links below on the specified date / time to join the sessions (alternatively, if you would like to receive a calendar invitation to join one of these sessions, please email currentstudent@ucl.ac.uk specifying which session).

What should I do if I require support?

Please review our detailed FAQs, if you cannot find your answer there, please use one of the following contact points:

  • For any issues with using the marks transfer tool, please contact digi-ed@ucl.ac.uk
  • For any issues with Portico data eg. incorrect assessment or student information, contact lifecycle@ucl.ac.uk
  • Please provide any feedback about the Marks Transfer Wizard to your Faculty Champion.

What next?

Following this initial release, we will continue to develop the integration by adding further marking scenarios and functionality.

Current development priorities are:

  • Grade Book items and categories including external LTI resources
  • Handling of SoRAs, ECs and LSAs
  • Turnitin Multipart Assignments

This is a very exciting development for assessment administration at UCL. We hope you find the new Moodle Marks Transfer integration beneficial!

Many thanks,

Digital Learning Environments and the Student Records Team

Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer Pilot Update

By Kerry, on 9 February 2024

As some of you may be aware, a new Moodle integration is due to be released in the spring which has been designed and developed by the DLE Team to improve the process for transferring marks from Moodle to Portico. It is called the Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer Integration and we are currently trialing this with around 40 course administrators across the institution.

The pilot kicked off on 8 January and will run until 29 February 2024. The purpose of the pilot is to test the Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer Integration using the newly designed Marks Transfer Wizard and its marks transfer functionality that was developed following the Phase 1 Pilot, which took place with a very small group of course administrators at the end of last year. This wizard provides a more streamlined experience for end users by putting the core assessment component information at the centre of the tool which can then be mapped to a selection of Moodle assessments.

Pilot Phase 2 is the last pilot phase before an initial MVP (Minimal Viable Product) release into UCL Moodle Production in late March 2024. Currently, users can take advantage of the integration if the following criteria are met:

  1. They have used the Portico enrolment block to create a mapping with a Module Delivery on their Moodle course.
  2. Either of the following assessment scenarios is true:-
    1. Only one Moodle assessment activity is being linked to one assessment component in SITS.
    2. Only one Moodle assessment activity is being linked to multiple assessment components in SITS.
  3. An assessment component exists in SITS to map against.
  4. The Moodle assessment marks are numerical 0-100.
  5. The assessment component in SITS is compatible with SITS Marking Schemes and SITS Assessment Types.
  6. For exam assessments, the SITS assessment component is the exam room code EXAMMDLE.

The Marks Transfer Wizard currently supports the transfer of marks from one of the following summative assessment activities in Moodle:

  • Moodle Assignment
  • Moodle Quiz
  • Turnitin Assignment (NOT multipart)

We intend to collect feedback on the new Marks Transfer Wizard from pilot participants to improve the interface and workflow for a general UCL-wide release in late March 2024 and also to prioritise next step improvements and developments following the launch.

So far informal feedback has been very positive: users say the assessment wizard works well and will save them a lot of time. The pilot has also been useful for exploring where issues might arise with Portico records or Moodle course administration as well as for gathering frequently asked questions and advice on best practice which will feed into our guidance for wider rollout.

So what are the next steps? Well, we will continue to support our pilot participants until the end of February. In mid-February, the Marks Transfer Assessment Wizard will be updated with some interface improvements so participants will be able to feedback on these too. Towards the end of February, participants will be asked to complete a survey and some will take part in a focus group to help us evaluate the success of the MVP integration and to prioritise our plans for future developments. In addition, our Change Manager is working with us on a communications plan for wider release on UCL Moodle Production and is currently in the process of recruiting a network of champions to cascade guidance and best practice on Moodle-SITS Marks Transfer across UCL, as well as to help us to continue to gather feedback on the user experience. More information about this exciting new development will be available in the coming months!

The Assessment Matrix Resurrected

By Claudia Cox, on 31 October 2023

Credit: Tobias_ET, 2017.

The Digital Assessment Team are pleased to announce a new version of the Assessment Matrix tool, which replaces and expands on a comparison table of the main technologies used for assignments at UCL.

Overview of the Matrix

The Assessment Matrix tool is aimed at helping users in the process of designing assessments decide which platform is best suited for delivery. In addition to providing a quick, visual guide of what different platforms can offer online, users can also download an offline, interactive version of this resource and filter assessment options based on their submission, marking and feedback, and administrative needs.

View the Assessment Matrix.

The tool is expected to be relevant to both academics and administrative staff. It will serve as a valuable starting point for discussions that occur after assessments have been aligned with learning outcomes but before they have been fully developed and designed, and before the platform to be used has been finalised. The decision on which platform should be used will also need to consider faculty approach, tools used for formative assessment and other factors.

The new version contains information on the following platforms:

  • Moodle assignment
  • Turnitin Assigment (in Moodle)
  • Wiseflow – the UCL AssessmentUCL digital assessment platform [NEW]
  • Reflect – the UCL version of the WordPress blogging service [NEW]
  • MyPortfolio – the UCL version of the Mahara eportfolio platform
  • Crowdmark – an assessment tool currently used by the maths department [NEW]

The matrix covers assessment submission options (such as type of formats that can be submitted, if group work is possible and text editor options), marking (such as if double or blind marking are available, audio feedback options and inline annotation) and feedback and administrative settings (such reporting, export of content and integration with SITS).

A screenshot of the updated assessment matrix


Initial feedback on the Assessment Matrix highlighted the importance of testing resources to ensure they meet accessibility requirements. Originally this was intended to have a ‘traffic light’ design to indicate whether tools met users’ needs for assessment, however due to the limited cell colour range available on the Confluence wiki this would not have met WCAG 2.2.

Using staff recommended tools such as COBLIS and TPGi’s Colour Contrast Analyser are great ways to help ensure that any resources and materials are WCAG compliant and allowed us to find a colour scheme that works for a broader audience of users.


Digital Assessment Team has been cautious about overloading the matrix to prevent overwhelming its users. However, they are eager to ensure that the matrix remains as user-friendly as possible. If you spot anything that needs updating or editing please contact the Digital Assessment Team (assessment-advisory@ucl.ac.uk).

If you wish to discuss your assessment approach in more detail refer to the education support contacts in your faculty and department.

Updating Our Academic Integrity Resources

By Marieke Guy and i.bowditch, on 10 October 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, maintaining academic integrity is paramount. Educational institutions are tasked not only with upholding these standards but also with fostering a culture of academic honesty. At UCL the commitment to academic integrity has led to a revamp of existing resources, driven by a desire to offer the most effective support possible.

We recognise that when it comes to guiding students on academic integrity, a punitive approach falls short. Instead, we want to start with positive framing that taps into the broader motivations of students and positions them as valued contributors to an academic community of practice. The institution does not assume that students inherently understand these practices or that violations should always result in punishment. Rather we view the key causes of plagiarism as opportunities for learning and growth. For instance, Turnitin, a well-known plagiarism detection service, is seen as a tool to assist students in learning rather than merely as a plagiarism detector.

Review and Refresh

At the end of last year, the Digital Assessment Team carried out an audit of academic integrity resources at UCL, which uncovered the need for a refresh. This need became even more pronounced with the advent of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). We have now completed the review and refresh of our academic integrity resources for the academic year.

Turnitin Similarity Checker

One of the longstanding resources, the “Plagiarism and Academic Writing for Students” course, has served UCL for over a decade. This course primarily allows students to check their assignments for plagiarism by generating a similarity report through Turnitin. The assignments are not added to the institutional repository, and the course is reset regularly.

The course has now been streamlined to focus solely on explaining Turnitin’s purpose and guiding students on how to create and use the similarity report. An introduction from Ayanna Prevatt-Goldstein, Head of UCL Academic Communication Centre, has been added to give context on how use of Turnitin relates to good academic practice.T o provide a comprehensive experience, an additional section now offers links to other UCL resources related to academic integrity. These are:

  • Academic integrity hub – A student-facing hub area for all guidance on academic integrity including links to information on academic misconduct, academic misconduct panels and Frequently Asked Questions.
  • UCL Academic Communication Centre – The UCL Academic Communication Centre (ACC) supports UCL students to develop their academic language and literacies. We assist students of all language backgrounds, across faculties, at all levels of study, to communicate more effectively in their discipline.

Understanding Academic Integrity Course for Students

UCL has also recently released an updated version of the Understanding Academic Integrity course for students, now hosted on the primary UCL Moodle site: the course previously sat on the UCL Extend platform. This course aims to educate students about all aspects of academic integrity and covers:

  1. How much do I know about academic integrity?
  2. What is academic integrity?
  3. Acknowledging the work of others
  4. Using collaboration positively
  5. Contract cheating
  6. Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
  7. Check your understanding of academic integrity and academic good practice

The revised course content has been built collaboratively with staff and students and incorporates insights from academic integrity and academic writing experts at UCL. It addresses emerging concerns like the use of Generative AI in academia and the course features various elements, including short videos, reflective activities, quizzes, and a final certification quiz.

Students can self-enrol for the course and on completion of all required activities and a success rate in the quiz will receive a certificate of completion, which can serve as evidence of their commitment to academic integrity and be shared with their tutors.

At the start of the course students are asked to post their responses on a mentimeter activity asking  ‘Why do you think students don’t always act with academic integrity?’ . These are the results so far (mid October 2023, 1011 participants, 2547 votes):

To ensure that academic integrity remains current, UCL has devised a plan for annual course refreshers. Annual refreshers are particularly important in the evolving context of Generative AI. Course content on GenAI and its relation to academic integrity will need to be revised in line with both technological and policy developments in this area.

Course video on Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity

Older versions of the course are archived to maintain access to logs if needed for academic misconduct panels. In cases where students may still access the previous Extend version, a notice redirects them to the new version on Moodle.

As UCL continues to evolve its approach to academic integrity, it exemplifies a commitment to not just maintaining standards but enhancing the support and resources available to students. This proactive approach ensures that UCL students are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of academic integrity while upholding the institution’s values of learning and growth.

UCL and Jisc event: Reimagining Assessment and Feedback

By Marieke Guy, on 6 June 2023

Earlier this week UCL hosted a one-day event entitled Reimagining Assessment and Feedback, the second in a series of Jisc events on Demonstrating digital transformation.  The event was held in Bentham house, the main building for the UCL Faculty of Laws. The purpose these events is to share best practice from universities who have made significant advances in developing innovative approaches to taking forward their digital agenda. As with the Jisc framework for digital transformation, the events are designed to showcase and highlight the broad spectrum of activity needed across an institution to effectively support and implement a digital culture.

The event organising team , Simon Birkett (Jisc), Peter Phillips (UCL) and Sandra Lusk (UCL)

The event organising team , Simon Birkett (Jisc), Peter Phillips (UCL) and Sandra Lusk (UCL)

The event gave the 50+ delegates the opportunity hear how UCL has evolved its assessment and feedback practices and processes and the role technology plays. Here at UCL we have been at the forefront of the shift to digital assessment and have successfully implemented a digital assessment platform for all centrally managed assessments taken remotely. To achieve this we have needed to address other challenges including assessment design, consistency across programmes, regulations and policy, and enhanced support for professional development.

Opening plenary

The event was opened by Pro-Vice-Provost Education (Student Academic Engagement) Kathryn Woods who talked a little about our wider institutional change programme including the UCL strategic plan 2022-27 consultation and Education framework.

Simon Walker presents

Simon Walker presents on assessment at UCL

Professor Simon Walker (previously Director of Programme Development, UCL, now an educational consultant) and I provided an overview of the UCL assessment journey. We discussed the implementation of Wiseflow/AssessmentUCL and the subsequent challenges we have faced regarding AI and academic integrity. Although we haven’t resolved all the problems, we have encountered numerous challenges and have an valuable story to share. You can see our slides below.

Breakout groups

There were  two sets of breakout group sessions on core themes with lunch slotted in between. Each session featured a UCL facilitator to give an opening introduction, a Jisc scribe to lead the related Padlet board and a UCL student to give the student perspective.

Demonstrating digital transformation – assessment futures

This session considered the potential future of assessment in Higher education. Participants looked at areas including AI, assessment technology and new ideas and ways of working in assessment. The group discussed a whole range of challenges from limited understanding of AI technology and capacity constraints, to AI false alerts, digital inequality,  and ethical considerations. The solutions include student co-design, emphasis on assessment design, oral evaluations and better use of AI for formative assessments.

Demonstrating digital transformation – Academic integrity

Discussions in the academic integrity session

Discussions in the academic integrity session

This session considered ways to ensure academic integrity is maintained across the institution through design, education and detection. It considered how policy and regulations need to change in the light of new challenges that technology brings. Much of the discussion covered current practices such as the use of AI proctoring for remote assessments, efforts to establish clear assessment requirements, and conducting fair assessment misconduct panels. The challenges include terminology clarification, legal concerns surrounding AI usage and the implications of more diverse assessment formats on identifying misconduct. Some of the effective strategies identified were additional training for students during the transition into higher education, varied assessment formats, technical approaches such as random question allocation and limited time allocation, and less punitive approaches to academic integrity such as hand holding through academic practice and referencing requirements.

Demonstrating digital transformation – Institutional change

Kathryn Woods

Kathryn Woods facilitates the breakout session on managing institutional change

This session considered how institutions manage change and encourage new academic practices. The group looked at areas including framing of change and the balance between cultural and technological change. Some of the main challenges explored were around large cohorts, diverse student body, the digital skills of academic staff and general change fatigue. Some successful practices highlighted were feedback from externals and industry experts, personalised feedback at scale, external engagement for formative feedback and audio feedback. The support needed to enable this includes includes surfacing assessment and feedback technologies, integrating professional services into curriculum development teams, and providing timely tech and pedagogic support for staff.

Demonstrating digital transformation -Pedagogy and assessment design

This session considered the full assessment design process and focal points and drivers for different staff involved in making changes. The group looked at areas including what contemporary assessment design looks like: authentic, for social justice, reusable etc. Interesting  practice includes assessment processes that focus on the production and process of assessment, the use of student portfolios for employability, co-designing assessments with employers and utilising creative and authentic assessments with tools like Adobe Creative Suite. The main challenges might be the impact of high-stakes assessment and grades on students, clarifying what is actually being assessed, aligning institutional priorities with assessment innovation and supporting group work assessments. Future support needed could involve utilising the Postgraduate Certificate (PG Cert) program to address assessment and curriculum design with technology and digital skills.

Demonstrating digital transformation -Larger cohorts and workloads

This session considered how you assess large cohorts in highly modularised programmes with large student cohorts from different disciplines. It looked at areas including workload models, interdisciplinary assessment, integrated assessment. There are already examples of interdisciplinary group work, using contribution marks to evaluate individual efforts in group work, implementing peer assessment, utilizing multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and employing marking teams for large cohorts. However these face challenges including PSRB accreditation processes, modularisation of assessments, over-assessment and duplication and scaling alternative assessment practices. One of the best approaches identified is programme-level assessment strategies and embracing the principle of “less is more” by focusing on quality rather than quantity.

Demonstrating digital transformation – Strategic direction

This session considered how you respond to the drivers of change and go about a co-design process across an institution by looking at environmental scanning, involving stakeholders, styles of leadership. The challenges identified involve ensuring continuity while managing future aspirations, considering student demographics and adopting an agile approach to strategy development. Clear communication about assessment and being agile in strategic thinking were identified as practices that work well. The support needed includes access to assessment platforms and curriculum mapping software, partnership support from industry organisations, and collaboration with Jisc and UCISA to advocate for change across the sector.

Panel session

The afternoon panel session on assessment, chaired by Sarah Knight, Head of learning and teaching transformation at Jisc featured a diverse group of experts representing academia and student engagement who all provided valuable insights.

Panel session

Panel session: Mary McHarg, Dr Irene Ctori, Professor Sam Smidt, Dr Ailsa Crum, Marieke Guy, and Sarah Knight

  • Professor Sam Smidt, the Academic Director of King’s Academy, KCL;
  • Dr Irene Ctori, Associate Dean of Education Quality and Student Experience at City, University of London;
  • Mary McHarg, SU Activities and Engagement Sabbatical Officer at UCL;
  • Dr Ailsa Crum, Director of Membership, Quality Enhancement and Standards at QAA;
  • Marieke Guy, Head of Digital Assessment at UCL

Each panellist introduced themselves, explained their roles and organisations, and outlined their current work on assessment. They then shared their key takeaways from the discussions and presentations of the day. These included the need to work together collaboratively as a sector and to look at more fundamental, areas such as curriculum design, as places where change could originate. Some also noted the absence of discussion around feedback, interesting given that NSS scores are very dependent on successful approaches here. The panel addressed important questions, including how higher education providers can better support students’ assessment literacy, ways universities can enable staff to effectively use technology for assessment and feedback, methods to engage in dialogue with PSRBs regarding technology in assessments, and predictions for the future of assessment methods in five years’ time. One of the most interesting questions thrown at the panel was what they would do to assessment if they had a magic want, much of the focus was on the current grading model and other areas such of potential such as improving assessment for students with adjustments by adding in optionality and better support.

The day concluded with an overview of the support available from Jisc provided by Simon Birkett, Senior Consultant (see slides). Tweets from the day can be accessed using the #HEdigitaltx tag. Many of the attendees were then treated to a bespoke UCL tour led by Steve Rowett, Head of the Digital Education Futures team. The highlight for many is Jeremy Bentham’s auto-icon.

It was great to bring together those working in strategic change across UK Higher Education in the area of assessment and feedback.  Clearly there is much work to be done but a sector-wide understanding and appreciation of the difficulties faced, and a unified approach to ensuring quality of student experience and learning benefit can only be a good thing.

This article is reposted from the Digital Assessment Team blog.

Panel members

Panel members

Generative AI: Lifeline for students or threat to traditional assessment?

By Marieke Guy, on 21 April 2023

Our increasingly complex world has made the potential impact of artificial intelligence on education more relevant than ever. Gone are the days when AI’s role in academic assessment required extensive explanation; it has become embedded in our daily lives. This shift has caused a wave of concern in Higher Education as traditional assessment practices risk becoming obsolete.

This post is a version of a one that appears on the National Centre for AI blog. It was reframed using Chat-GPT4.

In March, Russell Group university leaders convened to discuss the impact of AI on education and the implications for the sector. The event, chaired by Kathy Armour, Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) at UCL, featured a panel of students from various disciplines, sharing their experiences and insights on how AI tools, such as ChatGPT, have transformed their approach to learning.

Student panel on AI and assessment facilitated by Chris Thomson, Jisc. The panel summary was provided by Kathy Armour, Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) at UCL

Student panel on AI and assessment facilitated by Chris Thomson, Jisc. The panel summary was provided by Kathy Armour, Vice-Provost (Education & Student Experience) at UCL

The students’ accounts made it clear that the genie is out of the bottle; AI is now so deeply integrated into their learning experience that it would be futile and dangerous to resist the change. For many, AI has become a “lifechanging” educational companion, offering a level of support that is impossible to ignore. As such, the students argued, returning to traditional exam halls or engaging in an AI detection arms race would be detrimental to their future employability and wellbeing.

It is evident that a collaborative approach between students and educational leaders is necessary to navigate this brave new world.

Prior to the event the students contributed to the drafting of a set of future-proof principles related to AI and assessment, addressing concerns such as relevance, literacy, rigour, transparency, fairness, and human-centred education.

Working with the students to co-design the AI and assessment principles

Working with the students to co-design the AI and assessment principles

The students expressed a desire for their education to prepare them for the wider world and the future workplace, necessitating the adoption of AI in learning, teaching, and assessment. Additionally, students and staff must be supported in developing academic skills in relation to AI, ensuring that learning and development opportunities are not missed. The students pointed to friends who were already creating AI-based start-ups.

Transparency and fairness are crucial when AI tools are used in assessment and marking. Students are particularly concerned about the potential for a widening gap between those who can afford AI tools and those who cannot. This raises the question of whether universities should provide paid-for versions of AI tools as part of their standard IT provision.

Moreover, learning, teaching, and assessment must remain human-centred. AI should enhance, not replace, relationships between students and educators, and AI interactions should promote a pedagogy of care. If students rely on AI to bypass required academic work, it is essential to ask why and provide additional support as needed.

This thought-provoking event demonstrated the importance of engaging in open dialogue with students about the role of AI in education and assessment. As Kathy Armour noted, the challenges posed by AI and assessment are not new; they are rooted in longstanding issues of assessment and curriculum design that continue to challenge the sector. Embracing the potential of AI in education can offer a lifeline to students, but it requires a delicate balance between technological innovation and maintaining the integrity of traditional learning experiences. By working together, students and educators can create a path forward that incorporates AI in a way that benefits all.

The event also featured visionary case-studies from sector-experts on AI: Sue Attewell, Head of edtech and lead at Jisc’s national Centre for AI in tertiary education, Professor Mike Sharples from the Institute of Educational Technology at the Open University and Michael Veale, Associate Professor and Deputy Vice Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Laws at UCL.

Draft principles

Draft principles

Thanks go to those involved in this work:


  • Matthew Banner – Postgraduate in the third year of a PhD in Biochemical Engineering, leading on a student-led partnership project considering assessment design and AI.
  • Sophie Bush – Undergraduate student on History and the Philosophy of Science BSc and lead course rep for Science and Technology studies.
  • Megan Fisher – Second-year undergraduate student studying Economics, with chosen modules in Environmental Economics and Algebra.
  • Rachel Lam – First-year undergraduate law student, serves as a student partner on the assessment design and quality review team.
  • Jennifer Seon – In last year of my part-time master’s programme studying Education and Technology, dissertation will focus on collaborative problem-solving in assessment. Recently interviewed AI expert Wayne Holmes for a podcast with the UCL AI Society.
  • Bernice Yeo – Postgraduate student taking the MA in Education and Technology. Works as an examiner for the International Baccalaureate.
  • Sopio Zhgenti – Postgraduate student studying Education and Technology at the Institute of Education with special interest in Artificial Intelligence.


  • Marieke Guy (Head of Digital Assessment), UCL
  • Zak Liddell (Director of Education & Student Experience, MAPS), UCL
  • Joanne Moles (Head of Assessment Delivery and Platforms), UCL
  • Jennifer Griffiths (Associate Director in the UCL Arena Centre for Research-based Education), UCL
  • Lizzie Vinton (Assessment Regulations and Governance Manager, Academic Services) , UCL
  • Chris Thomson (Programme lead for teaching, learning and assessment), Jisc