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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


UCL Certified Membership of Learning Technology (CMALT) mentoring programme

By Jessica Gramp, on 10 February 2014

Association for Learning TechnologyCMALT is the portfolio-based professional accreditation scheme developed by ALT to enable people whose work involves learning technology to:

  1. have their experience and capabilities certified by peers;
  2. demonstrate that they are taking a committed and serious approach to their professional development.

CMALT holders are learning technology practitioners, who may be teachers, researchers or support staff with a strong interest in learning technology. UCL run an annual CMALT mentoring scheme to assist staff achieve their CMALT qualification.

Please complete the application form for entry to the UCL CMALT mentoring programme.

Sessions start on Wednesday 19th February 2014 and occur every month or so after then.

Your application will help us to gauge your skills and interests and where you may need more support when developing your portfolio.  It can also serve as a working draft for your portfolio.  The key point at this stage is to think about what you can already bring from your professional experience into your portfolio and what your specialist topic might be.  It may be that you might struggle with some sections – the CMALT sessions we run will help you to get to grips with all the areas – but please have a go at completing each section to start off with.  Our experience has shown that staff should have been in post for at least one academic year (or in a similar role) in order to have sufficient experience to draw upon.

If you would like to discuss anything prior to submitting please contact cmalt@ucl.ac.uk.


Please refer to the following, especially the CMALT guidelines, for further information:

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