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The Ear Institute Blog


Projects, teaching and musings from the Ear Institute


Hear the future – World Hearing Day 2018

By Saima L Rajasingam, on 3 March 2018

If we don’t take action now, over 900 million people across the globe could be affected by hearing loss by 2050 (World Health Organisation, 2018) …

…which is why, despite the ‘inclement weather’, a team from the UCL Ear Institute spent yesterday in Kings Cross Station, raising awareness on how to protect your hearing, treat hearing loss and support hearing research. To find out more about how we got on (and what exactly Nick Lesica is doing in the above photo), watch this space!

In the meantime, why not try out this quick hearing check from Action on Hearing Loss or take a look at the World Health Organisation’s tips on how to prevent and reduce the impact of hearing loss?


By Priya Singh, on 3 March 2016

Hello All

This is my first post on this blog of my trip to Nepal, and what better reason to kick it off than the fact that today is World Hearing Day! The theme this year is “Childhood hearing loss: act now, here is how!” 

Many of the causes of hearing loss in children can be prevented if there are adequate public health measures in place. Further, early diagnosis and intervention is vital for these children! So if you have a few minutes to spare today, use Google to find out something new about hearing loss in children that you didn’t know before!

And watch this space for daily reports from my trip to Nepal starting next week!