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Seminar: The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series and Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum Projects

By Simon Mahony, on 23 June 2014


Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2014

Monica Berti, Greta Franzini & Simona Stoyanova (Leipzig)
‘The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series and Digital Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum Projects’

Friday June 27 at 16:30 in room G37, Senate House, Malet Street, WC1E 7HU

The Leipzig Open Fragmentary Texts Series (LOFTS) is a new collaborative project that seeks to create open electronic editions of ancient works that survive only through quotations and text re-uses in later texts. The large diversity and dispersion of these materials entreats a dynamic infrastructure which fully supports and represents the relationships between sources, citations and annotations. LOFTS links fragments to the source text from which they are drawn, and aligns them to multiple editions and translations, thus providing an enhanced understanding of the fragmentary textual heritage it showcases.

Full abstract

The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.


The full 2014 programme is available on the Digital Classicist website.

Digital Classicist summer seminar series

By Simon Mahony, on 14 May 2011

image of boy with tablet PC, Eucharides Painter

The programme for the 2011 Digital Classicist summer seminar series is now available on The Stoa. As in previous years, we have a wide range of papers on diverse topics from an international field of early career and established scholars, and practitioners.  Full abstracts will be available on the Digital Classicist website shortly.

As always these seminars are held at the Institute of Classical Studies at Senate House, London on Friday afternoons at 4:30 (a good excuse to finish early) and are followed by wine, refreshments and a trip to a local pub. Check the Digital Classicist webpage or discussion list for any updates and confirmation of the room number and location.

All are welcome.