The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.
By Simon Mahony, on 28 July 2015
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2015
Friday July 31 at 16:30 in room G21A, Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU
Federico Aurora (Oslo): ‘DAMOS – Database of Mycenaean at Oslo’
DĀMOS is an annotated corpus of all the published Mycenaean texts, allowing for a corpus linguistics approach to the study of the earliest attested Greek dialect. Text files, reproducing the most updated editions of the texts, have been imported into a relational database (MySql) and are now being annotated for morphology, syntax and lexical information. Noteworthy is that DĀMOS allows for storing multiple, competing analyses of a given linguistic unity (e.g. a word). A rich set of metadata, including – automatically imported – detailed epigraphical information, is also available for searches and can, thus, be crossed with linguistic data. Online edition.
The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.
The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.