The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.
By Simon Mahony, on 14 July 2015
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2015
Friday July 17th at 16:30, in Room G21A, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Hugh Cayless (Duke)
‘Integrating Digital Epigraphies (IDEs)’
Integrating Digital Epigraphies (IDEs) is being developed as a Linked Data platform for digital epigraphy. The first round of development leverages data from partner projects including the PHI’s Searchable Greek Inscriptions project, the SEG, the Claros concordance of epigraphical publication data, and epigraphy articles in JSTOR to develop a set of web services. Identifiers from any of the projects may be used to retrieve related data from any of the others. The goal of IDEs is not to be a portal or aggregator superseding partner projects, but a data hub that allows all of them to leverage each other’s work.
As always the seminar will be followed by discussion over wine and refrshments.
The full abstract is available on the seminar programme page.
The full 2015 programme is available on the Digital Classicist London seminar page.