Seminars: Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology; A Catalogue of Digital Editions
By Simon Mahony, on 10 July 2013
This week’s Digital Classicist seminar has a double bill with one of the speakers being a UCLDH PhD student at DIS.
Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies Seminar 2013
16:30 Friday July 12 in room STB2, Stewart House (the far side of the courtyard towards Russell Square), Senate House.
Eleni Bozia (University of Florida)
The Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project
This presentation will introduce the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project, a digital toolbox meant to assist individual epigraphists, archaeologists, institutions, and museums. Our project is an open-source, cross-platform web-application designed to facilitate the digital preservation, study, and electronic dissemination of ancient inscriptions and other archaeological artifacts. It allows epigraphists to digitize in 3D their squeezes using our novel cost-effective technique, which overcomes the limitations of the current methods. Also, it gives users the option to perform automatic morphological analysis and comparison between archaeological artifacts digitized in 3D, such as statues, coins, lamps, and vases.
Greta Franzini (University College London)
A Catalogue of Digital Editions:
Towards a digital edition of Augustine’s De Civitate Dei
The oldest surviving manuscript of St Augustine’s De Civitate Dei dates back to the early fifth century, and most research on it predates the 1950s. Its much debated provenance and authorship, due to being contemporary with Augustine himself, are as intriguing as its rare palaeographical features and marginalia. I am creating a detailed catalogue of extant digital editions to examine best practice in the field of digital editions. Lessons from this catalogue will be presented to help scholars better understand the field of electronic editing, and further to inform the production of my electronic edition of De Civitate Dei.
All are welcome
The seminars will be followed by wine and refreshments.
For more information, see the seminar website.