InterFace 2011: Call for Participation
By Claire S Ross, on 11 February 2011
InterFace is a symposium for humanities and technology. In 2011 it is being jointly organised by colleges across London and will be an invaluable opportunity for participants to visit this active hub of digital scholarship and practice. InterFace is a conference organised by post-graduates for post-graduates in technology and the humanities. It’s part conference, part forum, part networking opportunity. The aim is to promote collaboration and shared understanding between researchers in the humanities and in computer science, especially where their efforts converge on exchange of subject matter and method.
All the Interface2011 organisers are in varying stages of Doctoral research, and this flexibility and informal approach is something which really appeals to us as organisers. UCLDH has two research students on the InterFace committee – myself and Alejandro Giacometti. We really want InterFace to be a symposium and networking opportunity in order to stimulate collaborations and new research directions. You can find out more about the orgainsers over on the InterFace site.
It combines the best aspects of a skills workshop, conference talks, and networking. I think the networking aspect is what I like the most, because despite working as researcher for a while now, I have just started my PhD, I don’t really know what to expect from it and it will be great to talk to like minded people.
One of the core components, and the aspect I find very appealing, is the Lightening Talks. The challenge is to convey your research succinctly, clearly and quickly in 2 minutes. I am a firm believer if you know your research then explaining it in 2minutes flat should be no problem at all. The call for lightening talk proposals has just gone out, so if any post graduates or early year researchers in Digital Humanities want to take up the challenge, please do send in a proposal. You can submit your application here:
The deadline for applications is Friday 25 February 2011.