Chinese Edition of Defining Digital Humanities
By Julianne Nyhan, on 28 October 2022
Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan, Edward Vanhoutte, and Jin Gao are pleased to announce the launch of the Chinese Edition of their book “Defining Digital Humanities“. Thank you to CJ Chen and to Nanjing University for their support with translation and publication; thank you also to Jin Gao for her many contributions to the translation of this text. This new edition will be freely available in Open Access (CC-BY), in due course. A hard copy can be ordered here:
Please do circulate to colleagues who may be interested in the Chinese edition of this book!
Книга “Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader” вышла на русском языке
By Melissa M Terras, on 9 October 2017
Melissa Terras, Julianne Nyhan, Edward Vanhoutte, and Inna Kizhner are pleased to announce the launch of the Russian Edition of their book “Defining Digital Humanities“, published by Siberian Federal University Press. A translation of the English edition of Defining Digital Humanities, the text is freely available in Open Access (CC-BY), allowing anyone to take, share, download, reuse, and remix, in any way – as long as there is attribution. Please do circulate to colleagues who may be interested in the Russian edition of this book!
Гуманитарные науки проходят через период значительных изменений, когда объективность научных исследований, необходимость поддерживать выводы анализом данных становятся важной частью работы ученого. Цифровые гуманитарные науки делают важный вклад в развитие этих изменений. Важным этапом на пути становления цифровых гуманитарных наук в России стал перевод книги “Defining Digital Humanities. A Reader” под редакцией Мелиссы Террас, Джулианны Найхан и Эдварда Ванхута. Книга вышла в Издательстве Сибирского федерального университета и будет полезна ученым и преподавателям для оценки разных точек зрения на новое направление. Полный текст книги доступен для образовательных и научных целей, а также для некоммерческого распространения (лицензия Creative Commons BY – NC) по ссылке http://lib3.sfu-kras.

The Editors and Translators of the Russian edition of Defining Digital Humanities, at the launch at Siberian Federal University in September 2017.
Launching Defining Digital Humanities!
By Melissa M Terras, on 29 November 2013
We’re really pleased – after two years of discussion, editing, and working with Ashgate, that Defining Digital Humanities is finally out in both print and ebook formats.
Given the growth in Digital Humanities centers and courses, we wanted to pull together core readings in our field – from both “Humanities Computing” and “Digital Humanities” – that would give the flavour of the various discussions that have occurred when people have tried to define Digital Humanities. Our editorial stance is not to define DH ourselves, but to present the core content that appear on various syllabi, in one handy print volume that can be used in class, or by those interested in understanding more about why the term Digital Humanities is so used, and so discussed.
As is the nature with a reader text, most of the content is available elsewhere: on this site we link to the online versions of the materials published in the book, although some of the content is behind paywalls. We provide one major new chapter written by Edward Vanhoutte on the histories of Digital Humanities, which we make freely available on this site. We also hope to keep the further reading section on this site updated with newer blog posts, and journal articles, which add to the discussion of that it means to undertake Digital Humanities activities, and we’ll be adding additional content to the site as time goes on. The print volume also contains introductions to each featured article, and comments from most article authors, as well as a list of questions that can be used in a taught class to spark discussion.
We believe we’ve created a very useful compendium of texts which is a starting point when trying to understand the field which is now described as Digital Humanities. You can follow @DefiningDH on twitter, and please do let us know of other content that we should be including on this site.