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Copyright Queries



Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Happy 2025! What’s new in copyright?

By Christina Daouti, on 15 January 2025

Happy New Year and welcome to the new term at UCL!

New works in the public domain

2025 already promises to be exciting in terms of copyright. For one thing, on the first of January many new literary, artistic and musical works entered the public domain (i.e. copyright expired, making it possible to reuse these works without permission).

Please note that a work can be out of copyright in one country but still protected in other countries. In the UK and in any other country where copyright lasts for 70 years from the death of the author, the following works are now out of copyright (for a more comprehensive list, see the relevant Wikipedia page).

Artists Frida Kahlo, Henri Matisse and Andre Derain died in 1954 and, as of 1 January 2025, their works are out of copyright in the UK.  Likewise, the writings of Alan Turing, Colette and Kalki Krishnamurthy are now free of copyright restrictions in any country where the term of copyright is 70 years or more from the death of the author.

Black and white drawing of the cartoon character Popeye steering his boat.

E. C. Segar, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Different rules on copyright duration apply in different countries: in the US, for example, the character of Popeye, already out of copyright in the UK, entered the public domain in its native US this year.


For a playful approach to understanding the public domain, please visit Erica Levi’s interactive game at Coventry University.

Copyright games and online tutorials

Speaking  of playful…this year we will be building on last year’s tradition  of introducing copyright in colourful, playful and collaborative ways. We continue to offer sessions of the Copyright Dough game (developed by Katrine Sundsbø and Hannah Pyman at the University of Essex in 2019) where you have the chance to create, use (and possibly infringe) playdough creatures. If you prefer heated discussions without the playdough, the Copyright for Humans card game, offering you the chance to voice your opinions about copyright in new ways, is the right game for you. If you are interested in arranging a session to play either game, please contact copyright@ucl.ac.uk. Scheduled sessions will also be advertised soon – keep your eyes open for a public event at the Student Centre in March! Or, if you feel less sociable, take our entry-level, self-paced, Star-Wars-inspired online tutorial on copyright essentials and may the Force be with you…


A purple octopus, a green monster and two other creations made from colourful play dough.

Question and answer cards (in blue and pink) from the Copyright for Humans game. Sample questions shown: 'A PhD student including a graph without permission in an open access thesis is...'; 'Making research data FAIR is...'; 'A publisher expecting authors to sign away their copyright to them is...'. Sample answers shown: ''evil'; 'the best thing since the Beatles'; 'groovy, baby!';, 'unsustainable'; 'easier said than done'.

Join our new UCL Copyright Literacy Community

A cartoon of smiling people gathered around a copyright symbol, holding hands. Some of the people are wearing graduation hats.

Image generated from Microsoft Copilot on 15 January 2025.

Why copyright literacy? Why a community? Can an understanding of copyright make our research and learning more open and collaborative, our lives more creative and our professional activities more informed?

This blog post will not give you the answers, but joining our new UCL community on Teams will. You will have the chance to discuss rights issues with other people here at UCL, participate in events, co-create resources and enrich your CV.

Join the brand-new community on Teams.

Copyright and AI

It’s 2025: it doesn’t feel right to write about anything without mentioning AI. Have a look at our newly released guidance on copyright and GenAI and keep an eye on upcoming communications on this topic, including the government’s open consultation on Copyright and Artificial Intelligence.

To learn more about copyright

The twelve gifts of copyright

By Christina Daouti, on 2 December 2024

As 2024 comes to a close, we look back at what the copyright support service in LCCOS has brought you over the year:

One copyright literacy strategy

The draft strategy sets our vision for developing copyright literacy across UCL. We seek to develop a culture in which copyright literacy informs decisions people make around research, learning, teaching and professional activities. How will we do this? Read about our values and proposed activities and have a say in how the startegy is shaped and implemented. You can access the document on Sway and give feedback via the embedded form. Consultation ends on 13 December 2024.

Two online tutorials

  • UCL Copyright Essentials introduces copyright through simple scenarios, including Star-Wars-based examples. Should we be using these images and music or are Stormtroopers about to arrest us? Complete the 30 minute tutorial in your own time.
  • Our Copyright and your teaching online tutorial addresses copyright with busy lecturers in mind. It is built around artist’s Christian Marclay’s The Clock to discuss how materials can be used creatively in new contexts. You can choose which sections to complete (e.g., licences, copyright exceptions, AI) and get back to this resource at any time.

Three education licences

UCL holds three licences that support the use of books, articles, images, news articles and broadcasts in teaching and learning. These are the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) licence, the NLA licence and the ERA licence. Many more licences with publishers and suppliers allow you to access and use a very large number of e-journals, databases and other resources.

Four playful sessions

We ran four sessions where we played a version of the Copyright Dough game,  developed by Katrine Sundsbø and Hannah Pyman at the University of Essex in 2019…





Question and answer cards used in the card game 'Copyright for Humans'.

and a new card game, Copyright for Humans, developed by Christine Daoutis at UCL in 2024. Both games are a fun and engaging way of learning about the nuances of copyright. If you are interested in arranging a session to play either game, please contact copyright@ucl.ac.uk.

Five golden rules!

A row of open jewellery boxes, each displaying a golden copyright symbol.

  • When using materials protected by copyright, permission is the default option…
  • …but it is not always necessary. Copyright may have expired; materials may already be openly licensed allowing reuse or you may be able to rely on a copyright exception.
  • Know your rights: do you own the copyright to the materials you create?
  • If you own the copyright, consider licensing your work to make it open and reusable by others.
  • The fifth rule is that exceptions are just as important as rules. Learn more about copyright to understand how exceptions, interpretation and risk affect decisions we make around copyright.

Created using Microsoft Copilot on 2 December 2024.


(Guidance on:)

Creative commons logo, displaying CC in an inner circle and the words 'some rights reserved' and 'creativecommons.org' in an outer circle.

Six open licences (Creative Commons) 

Creative Commons licences are legal tools that allow materials that are protected by copyright to be reused under terms specified in each licence. All licences require that the author of the work be attributed. Non-commercial reuse, no adaptations and licensing under the same terms may or may not be requirements of a CC licence. You can see relevant guidance on the UCL copyright website and on the UCL Open Science blog. We also run on-demand sessions on open licensing.

Image: Creative Commons sticker logo. Source: CC website.  


A stack of books with blue and red bookmarks inserted in them.

Image by Freepik

Seven web resources

Have a look at the following pages and reading lists, which were most recently created/updated on the copyright website:

Eight consultations 

We can meet you online or in person to offer advice on various copyright topics. The most popular ones this year were: how to protect and mark a work as your copyright; how to license publications, websites, research data and projects; advice on ownership in collaborative projects; reviewing policies in archives; digitising and licensing out-of-copyright materials; using images from archives and museums in theses; copyright considerations in GenAI;  use of materials in open educational resources. Book an appointment or email copyright@ucl.ac.uk.

Nine training sessions 

In term 1 alone we ran 9 scheduled sessions, as part of the library skills programme, for research staff, professional services staff and postgraduate students. These are delivered over Teams or in person. Additional sessions are available on demand for students and staff in Faculties and professional services departments. Register for a session in term 2 or contact us on copyright@ucl.ac.uk to arrange a session.

Ten types of queries 

The most popular queries are about using images, using an author’s own article in a thesis, choosing a licence for a publication or thesis, licensing research data, clarifying ownership of IP, dealing with/avoiding infringement, linking or embedding materials in teaching resources, using copyright exceptions, understanding terms and conditions in social media platforms and GenAI tools, and terms of publishing agreements.

Eleven brilliant teams

More than one team in LCCOS works with and supports copyright as part of various roles. In addition to the copyright service: the teaching and learning services team managing reading lists; the library skills team, the site librarians and subject librarians; the interlibrary loans team, the open science and open access teams, the LCCOS communications team, UCL Press and the museums and archives teams offer copyright support on a daily basis.

Twelve blog posts (plus three bonus ones)

In 2024 12 posts discussing copyright were published, either on this blog or as part of the copyright series on the UCL open science blog:

What next?

We are not asking you to sing along to this version of the twelve days of Christmas; but we do ask you to take part in the consultation on the aims and implementation of the draft copyright literacy strategy. Does it address any gaps you have in understanding, engaging and working with copyright? Are there any topics (e.g. AI, student-created videos, images) we should focus on and any activities and resources we could include in an implementation plan? You can access the document on Sway and give feedback via the embedded form. Consultation ends on 13 December 2024.

Copyright literacy matters: developing a copyright literacy strategy at UCL

By Christina Daouti, on 14 October 2024

If you are a student or a member of staff at UCL, you can shape how UCL approaches copyright literacy.
Copyright Literacy Strategy title page. Text: 'UCL Copyright Literacy Strategy 2024-2027'. Foreground: yellow, red and purple flowers. Background: Part of the Wilkins building.

We seek your views on a UCL Copyright Literacy Strategy. The draft strategy outlines a vision for developing the skills and confidence of the UCL community around copyright as it applies in scholarship, research, teaching and other activities. Does the proposed strategy speak to your needs? Are there gaps in copyright education and support that could be addressed? You may want to comment on the aims of the strategy and further suggest new resources, topics and approaches.

The strategy supports the LCCOS Strategy 2024 – 2027.

Why a UCL Copyright Literacy Strategy?

Copyright literacy helps us understand the contexts within which creative works are produced and used, and to apply this understanding when using and creating copyrighted materials. Copyright literacy helps you use copyrighted materials creatively and confidently, understand your own rights and apply this understanding to your own activities, for example when writing a thesis, sharing materials with colleagues, publishing your research, posting on social media and using images.

More on copyright skills as a critical part of information literacy can be found on the Arena MicroCPD ‘Embedding copyright literacy into your teaching’ [90 seconds] and on the UCL Education Conference post ‘Getting comfortable with uncertainty’: developing students’ critical copyright literacy in the age of GenAI.

Take part in the consultation

Read the draft strategy on Microsoft Sway. You can submit your feedback using the Microsoft form at the end of the document, or you can email copyright@ucl.ac.uk if you prefer.

When viewing on Sway, you can turn on Accessibility view. This view displays a high-contrast style for easier reading, disables any animations, and supports keyboard navigation for use with screen readers.

To turn on Accessibility view:

  • If you’re using a mouse or touchscreen, on the More options menu (shown as three dots on the Sway toolbar), choose Accessibility view.
  • If you’re using a screen reader, on the More options menu, when Accessibility view is selected, you hear “Displays this Sway in a high contrast design with full keyboard functionality and screen reader access to all content.”

You can also create PDFs by clicking the ‘…’ menu option in the top right corner of the Sway, clicking ‘export’ and choosing PDF.

The consultation closes on 13 December 2024. A final version of the strategy will be made live in January 2025. Any interim questions can be emailed to copyright@ucl.ac.uk.

Current copyright resources

Blue textbox. Text says: 'Complete the Copyright Essentials online tutorial' and links to https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/forms/articulate/copyright-essentials/#/

Self-paced tutorial introducing copyright, permissions and exceptions in an interactive and accessible way.

Pink textbox. Text says: 'Join a training session' and links to https://library-calendars.ucl.ac.uk/calendar/libraryskillsUCL?cid=6984&t=g&d=0000-00-00&cal=6984&ct=32648&inc=0

Book a training session, held on Teams or in person.

Green textbox. Text says: 'Visit the copyright website' and links to https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/learning-teaching-support/ucl-copyright-advicehttps://library-calendars.ucl.ac.uk/calendar/libraryskillsUCL?cid=6984&t=g&d=0000-00-00&cal=6984&ct=32648&inc=0

Visit the UCL copyright website for advice on various aspects of copyright.

Copyright and GenAI: new post on UCL Open Science blog.

By Christina Daouti, on 21 June 2024

How does copyright apply to AI-generated works?

Read our guest post in the Copyright and Open Science series.

If you have any questions on copyright, please contact copyright@ucl.ac.uk. You may also be interested in our copyright resources and training.

Developing a Copyright Literacy Community at UCL

By Christina Daouti, on 29 April 2024

Copyright literacy – the ‘knowledge, skills and behaviours that individuals require when working with copyright content in the digital age’ (Morrison and Secker, 2015) – is an essential part of academic and professional skillsets. It is also much more than complying with licences and the law. It is about understanding how copyright came to be, what it seeks to achieve, whose interests are relevant and how it can be used as a tool to make knowledge more open and collaborative.

At UCL we have a service, a range of resources and an education programme to support and advise staff and students on various aspects to copyright.  This is informed and constantly updated based on feedback from participants, common queries that we receive, and developments that raise new issues to address, such as copyright in AI-generated works. However, to develop copyright literacy in ways that are most relevant and helpful to you, we would like to work with you.

Pointillist painting of four 19th century peasants, a man and three women, harvesting apples in a field. The man is using a long stick to get the apples down from a tree. One woman is looking up at the tree. Two women are gathering the apples fallen on the ground and putting them in baskets. A row of trees at a distance in the background.

‘Apple harvest’ by Camille Pissarro, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

We are setting up the UCL Copyright Literacy Community to give all UCL staff and students the opportunity to shape copyright literacy further. We would like to work with you to make the UCL community even more knowledgeable and confident around copyright. Whether you are a student (undergraduate, postgraduate, research student) or a member of staff in a research, teaching or professional services role, we value your ideas and experiences.

  • You don’t need to be a copyright expert to join: we anticipate that members of the community will have different levels of copyright knowledge and will learn from eah other. What is needed is an understanding of the relevance of copyright literacy in your area, and a willingness to embed it into your practice.
  • As part of the community, you will have the opportunity to advise on the further development of the existing programme, bring forward your own suggestions and prioritise areas where further support is needed. You will work with us to translate these ideas into projects that are directly relevant to your area.
  • You will be part of a supportive peer network that discusses all things copyright. We will provide enough steering and resources for you to take the community in directions that help you and your practice area.

In the first instance, we invite UCL staff and students to join a core community of 20 people. The first meeting is being scheduled in late June. We anticipate a broader community to develop later.

If you are interested in joining or would like more information, please contact copyright@ucl.ac.uk.

Related articles: ‘Getting comfortable with uncertainty’: developing students’ critical copyright literacy in the age of genAI, by Christine Daoutis and Hazel Ingrey. UCL Education conference blog, April 2024.

Copyright and your research: new series on UCL Open Science blog

By Christina Daouti, on 8 April 2024

An open book resting on a flat surface, with a lighbulb in the middle of the book. Scribbles of graphs, diagrams and text are coming out of the lighbulb, moving upwards.

Image by Freepik.

How does understanding  copyright support your research activities, from including copyright materials in a thesis or article to negotiating publishing contracts to text and data mining? A new blog series on copyright as it relates to your research has been launched.

Read the first post in the series for an introduction.

Wrapping up fair dealing week 2024: what next?

By Christina Daouti, on 1 March 2024

This Fair Dealing Week is coming to a close. This blog has clarified a few points on copyright, copyright exceptions and fair dealing:

These points highlight a broader approach when it comes to copyright: many copyright decisions will depend on context, personal judgement and risk. Recent discussions around copyright and artificial intelligence highlight these points further, as the very concepts of what is original/protected by copyright, what constitutes infringement and who owns an AI-generated work are challenged.

Copyright support at UCL provides resources and training to help you navigate this uncertainty: from introducing the essentials of permissions and licensing to explaining how copyright exceptions apply in learning, teaching and research, and from helping you understand and assert your own rights to highlighting recent developments in this area. Further, we will be offering opportunities very soon for different communities at UCL to come together and discuss aspects of copyright most relevant to them.

Learn more

  1. Complete our 7-question copyright exceptions quiz.
    This is to help you understand copyright exceptions better: you can submit answers anonymously and we won’t be using your responses for any purpose.
  2. Register for one of our sessions, on Teams or in person.
    Our sessions cover copyright for PGRs, research staff and teaching staff; open licences; and publishing contracts. Sessions last up to 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  3. Complete the Copyright Essentials online tutorial.
    A self-paced, online tutorial introducing copyright in a fun and approachable way. It takes around 20-25 minutes to complete.


Contact copyright support at copyright@ucl.ac.uk to ask a question, arrange an appointment or schedule your own training session.

Copyright myth #4: the appeal of set percentages.

By Christina Daouti, on 29 February 2024

Top view of a hand taking a slice out of a colourful pie chart. Each segment is in a different colour.

Image by Freepik.

So far this Fair Dealing Week we have addressed a few common beliefs around what is ‘fair’ when using copyright materials. It is often thought, for example, that as long as the source is acknowledged or the use is non-commercial, it is OK to reproduce someone else’s work without permission.

This post is about the commonly asked question of quantity. How much from a work (e.g. book, article, thesis, blog post) can be reproduced in another work under ‘fair dealing’? It is often recommended that 5% (at most 10%) can definitely be used.

It is perhaps more accurate to think that, say, 5% from a source is likely to be fair in many cases, and use this percentage as a rule of thumb. However, this is still not helpful: it is not defined in the legislation how much can be used under fair dealing. How much is ‘fair’ is defined and shaped in court decisions. The quantity used (e.g. the number of extracts from a single source) and the proportion in relation to the whole original work, but also to the new work, should be taken into account. The amount used should be justified by the purpose, making related decisions a matter of judgement and risk.

This is probably why we all tend to have an appetite for set percentages when relying on copyright exceptions  – for example, like the 10%/one chapter rule specified in the CLA licence when using course materials. Our appetite for percentages is an appetite for clarity and certainty. This, however, is incompatible with ‘fair dealing’ as a concept. It is also likely to limit us, rather than help us, when making copyright-related decisions. In some contexts, it may be considered fair to use more than a prescribed percentage would suggest – and in other cases, what is deemed fair may be less. Developing a broader understanding of copyright as it applies to research and teaching helps make more nuanced decisions and ultimately be more creative when using copyright materials.

Learn more.

1. Complete our 7-question copyright exceptions quiz.

This is to help you understand copyright exceptions better: you can submit answers anonymously and we won’t be using your responses for any purpose.

2. Register for one of our sessions, on Teams or in person.

Our sessions cover copyright for PGRs, research staff and teaching staff; open licences; and publishing contracts. Sessions last up to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

3. Complete the Copyright Essentials online tutorial.

A self-paced, online tutorial introducing copyright in a fun and approachable way. It takes around 20-25 minutes to complete.

Further reading: quotation, criticism and review, copyrightuser website 

Contact copyright support at copyright@ucl.ac.uk to ask a question, arrange an appointment or schedule your own training session.

Copyright myth #3: ‘I can use materials without permission if the use is non-commercial’.

By Christina Daouti, on 28 February 2024

A cartoon drawing of a man sitting at a desk, facing a computer screen out of which banknotes are flying. The man, has his arms wide open and looks happy watching the money.

Free Clip Art, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

On day 3 of  Fair Dealing Week (26 February to 1 March 2024) we discuss another aspect of ‘fair dealing’ when using copyright materials: non-commercial use.

It is often assumed that, unless you making money from a work, it is OK to include copyright materials in the work without permission. ‘Non-commercial’ use (and/or acknowledging the source, as discussed in the previous post) is often deemed to be ‘fair dealing’.

It may be useful to keep the following in mind:

  • Fair dealing does not preclude commercial use. As discussed in a previous post, whether using a work is ‘fair dealing’ depends on many factors, including the purpose (which is related to UK copyright exceptions), the amount and proportion of the material used in that particular context and, crucially, the effect the use is likely to have on the interests of the author/copyright owner. As many of these interests are economic (i.e. when your use is likely to affect sales of the original work) it is perhaps easy to assume that ‘non-commercial’ use is more likely to be fair.  However, this does not mean that any commercial use is not ‘fair’.
  • Posting a work on the Internet is ‘commercial publication’. In UK copyright law, ‘making the work available to the public by means of an electronic retrieval system’, in other words, electronic publication, is considered to be a commercial activity even if you don’t profit from it financially.
  • Non-commercial use is a restriction when relying on certain exceptions, but not others. Copying material for research and private study or as part of teaching may be permitted in UK copyright law, as long as the purpose is not commercial and the use is ‘fair dealing’. Copying and reusing material  for the purposes of criticism, review and quotation (and news reporting) does, not, however, have a non-commercial restriction. The use must still be ‘fair dealing’ and this may well restrict what and how much  you decide to share; however the use can, indeed, be commercial. This is useful to know as you will most likely be relying on the quotation exception when including material in theses, research publications  and teaching materials.

Learn more.

1. Complete our 7-question copyright exceptions quiz.

This is to help you understand copyright exceptions better: you can submit answers anonymously and we won’t be using your responses for any purpose.

2. Register for one of our sessions, on Teams or in person.

Our sessions cover copyright for PGRs, research staff and teaching staff; open licences; and publishing contracts. Sessions last up to 1 hour and 20 minutes.

3. Complete the Copyright Essentials online tutorial.

A self-paced, online tutorial introducing copyright in a fun and approachable way. It takes around 20-25 minutes to complete.


You can also contact copyright support at copyright@ucl.ac.uk to ask a question, arrange an appointment or schedule your own training session.

Copyright myth #2: ‘Acknowledging a source removes the need for permission’

By Christina Daouti, on 27 February 2024

A stack of books with blue and red bookmarks inserted in them.

Image by Freepik.

On the second day of  Fair Dealing Week (26 February to 1 March 2024) we discuss a point that often comes up in copyright training sessions.

If I acknowledge the author, I don’t need to get their permission’.

Acknowledgement is essential, but permission is still necessary.

Acknowledgement of any sources used is good academic practice, besides any requirements set out in copyright legislation. Even when materials are out of copyright (public domain) you are still advised to give acknowledgement where possible.

However, this does not remove the need to have permission. When a work is protected by copyright, getting permission is necessary by default. A granted permission or licence specifies exactly how, when and where you will be using the material and often indicates how credit should be given, too (for example, by linking to an artist’s website).

Seeking permission is not necessary when a licence covering your reuse is already in place. This includes open licences, such as Creative Commons licences, which allow you to use materials under specific terms and with attribution to the author.

What about copyright exceptions?

When it comes to copyright exceptions, the three main exceptions relevant to research and teaching (non-commercial research and private study; criticism, review and quotation; illustration for instruction) expect sufficient ackmowledgement (usually including the title and author of the work) as part of dealing with the material fairly – unless this is ‘impossible for reasons of practicality or otherwise’. As discussed in previous posts, ‘fair dealing’ is much more than acknowledgement. It includes a consideration of the purpose and context, amount/proportion used, and impact on the interests of the author/copyright owner.

Learn more.

To learn more about copyright

1. Complete our 7-question copyright exceptions quiz.

This is to help you understand copyright exceptions better: you can submit answers anonymously and we won’t be using your responses for any purpose.

2. Register for one of our sessions, on Teams or in person.

Our sessions cover copyright for PGRs, research staff and teaching staff; open licences; and publishing contracts.

3. Ask us a question.

Contact us to ask a question, arrange an appointment or schedule your own training session.