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Copyright Queries



Starting out: copyright training

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 14 February 2017

‘Education’ by NY


It can be intimidating looking into copyright for the first time and some students put it off until their thesis has already been written.  If you can face the subject head-on before you even start a project you will save time later! Here are a few courses and resources to get started with.

The British Library Business and IP Centre has some great sessions coming up in the next month: many are re-run so visit the British Library events pages to see future sessions.

A free webinar ‘Introduction to Copyright’ is a perfect easy-starter: it is just an hour and can be viewed from your home computer.

The Intellectual Property Office has designed some guidance for students and teachers, found on their IP in Education page.  The IP Tutor course is free and you can work through it in around 40 minutes.

We are sometimes asked about Patients and Trade Marks, which come under the umbrella of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), along with copyright.  This might be a query from a student designing some software as part of their study, or from academics co-creating an app with a colleague or student.  The British Library’s ‘How can I protect a business idea’ is a free, half day workshop which outlines IPR and which rights may apply to your project or business.  This could be a good foundation for more in-depth sessions such as the Mini-Masterclass Copyright for business. I particularly like the look of this session as it covers copyright in everyday situations such as photographs, music, websites.

For more tailored training, our Copyright Support Officer often visits groups of postgraduate students to give an overview of copyright, or talk about copyright in your thesis.  Do get in touch if you would like to arrange a session for your students.

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