Brilliant Red, by Chris
By Michael P Dean, on 28 July 2015
Chris attends a group in his local area for people who have had a stroke. At their meetings he leads an activity, presenting a topic or idea for further discussion. He has been working in the UCL Communication Clinic on his plans, writing poems based on the sights, sounds and tastes of his neighbourhood. Chris has aphasia and has been learning to use ‘Dragon Naturally Speaking’ speech recognition software to produce and edit his work.
Brilliant red
looking through the window
graceful branches
perfect leaves
four stories high
growth and time
daffodil yellow glanced
dancing through the leaves
on the second floor geraniums bright red
the smooth breeze
terracotta pots glimpsed occasionally
in the movement of the wind
The small red van
Royal mail written in yellow
the driver
stepping out
into the sunlight
passing the green leaves
a large van painted blue passes
in dull colour the patio
brilliant red
on the pavement
warm bright light
reflected from the bright sunshine
a solitary Walker
the postman
Brilliant red
with white envelopes
clonk clonk
through the letter box.