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CCM Seminars Blog


CCM Seminar 25- Performative Narrative Analysis

By Ayse Gur Geden, on 13 November 2019

Dear all,

The next in the series of fortnightly CCM seminars will be held from 1-2pm, on Tuesday 28th January, in Room 639, 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL. The presenter this week is Ibrahim Alkhateeb who will be presenting his research on Performative Narrative Analysis.


In this seminar, I will be narrating my own data analysis story. I will try to take you through the difficulties I had faced in utilizing an analysis method that complies with the conceptual framework I have chosen in my research. Consequently, these difficulties have led me to adopt a performative model in doing narrative analysis to the religious conversion stories I had collected. I will demonstrate that in two parts. First, I will try to briefly take an overview of how narrative analysis has developed in the field. Then I will illustrate how performative narrative analysis works by looking at an example from my data.

CCM Seminar 22 – The long long transition process: From a MA dissertation to an early-stage PhD project

By Ayse Gur Geden, on 9 October 2019

Dear all,

The next in the series of fortnightly CCM seminars will be held from 1-2pm, on Tuesday 22nd October, in room 541, 20 Bedford Way, WC1H 0AL. The presenter this week is Dery Du, who will be presenting on aspects of his doctoral research (see below).


The long long transition process: From a MA dissertation to an early-stage PhD project

In this seminar, I will try to talk about the transition process from a MA student to a PhD candidate that I have been personally experiencing. In particular, I want to address my understanding of the difference between what is expected in completing MA dissertation and that in framing a PhD project in terms of making an argument, data collection and analysis, and some methodological and theoretical issues. I will reflect on the two broad topics below:

  1. The (perceived) difference in framing an argument between MA and PhD level: what is to be extended, how.
  2. The difficulties of initial fieldwork: what to focus, what to analyze.

The seminar will begin with a short presentation about my one-year academic trajectory from registering as a PhD candidate towards the current initial data-collection stage. Then the floor will be handed to the audience for an open discussion. I do hope this seminar can be helpful to those who just began their PhD life and those who are considering pursuing a PhD degree. All welcome!


We are keen to offer a platform to all CCM students, at different stages of their doctorate and welcome any proposals for future presentations, data workshops, reading sessions or discussions. Please feel free to talk to any of us after the seminars or, alternatively, drop us an email at ioe.ccmseminars@ucl.ac.uk . Please note that there are seminars every two weeks, including Reading Week.