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Centre for Advanced Research Computing


ARC is UCL's research, innovation and service centre for the tools, practices and systems that enable computational science and digital scholarship


Archive for July, 2013

First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science

By James P J Hetherington, on 29 July 2013

The below workshop may be of interest to readers: I will be there.

First Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science:
Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE)

(in conjunction with SC13)
Sunday, November 17, 2013, Denver, CO

Progress in scientific research is dependent on the quality and accessibility of
software at all levels and it is now critical to address many new challenges
related to the development, deployment, and maintenance of reusable software. In
addition, it is essential that scientists, researchers, and students are able to
learn and adopt a new set of software-related skills and methodologies.
Established researchers are already acquiring some of these skills, and in
particular a specialized class of software developers is emerging in academic
environments who are an integral and embedded part of successful research teams.
This workshop will provide a forum for discussion of the challenges, including
both positions and experiences. The short papers and discussion will be archived
as a basis for continued discussion, and we intend the workshop to feed into the
collaborative writing of one or more journal publications.

Fourth Call for Projects

By James P J Hetherington, on 12 July 2013

UCL Research Software Development makes a termly call for free software development effort in line with UCL’s research priorities. The fourth such call has now opened. Proposals should be completed according to the submission guidance and emailed to rc-softdev@ucl.ac.uk. Supported projects will be carried out in the quarter following the call. Key staff from submitting groups should be available in the weeks following submission for discussions. Proposals will be reviewed by our academic governing bodies according to published selection criteria. The amount of effort allocated will be determined by these bodies in the light of the proposals, but will be around one to two person-months. Resubmission of proposals which have previously been submitted is welcomed. Groups looking to submit to this free call may also wish to consider accessing our provision of grant-funded software development effort.

The timeline for the current call is:

  • 11/07/2013 Call opens.
  • 01/08/2013 Call closes
  • 08/08/2013 Shortlisting
  • 12/09/2013 Final selection
  • 01/10/2013 Approximate project start
  • 20/12/2013 Project end

We look forward to receiving your proposals, and to working with you to build and maintain great research software.

Seeking Speakers for Research Programming in Practice Seminars

By James P J Hetherington, on 1 July 2013

At UCL Research Software Development, we continue to host a Practice of Research Programming Event Series.

Across all research fields, the day-to-day work of many researchers now involves significant amounts of programming.

This series provides a forum for these practitioners of computational research to share the techniques that underpin their work. Discussions focus on generalizable methodologies, not scientific results.

Most sessions take the form of traditional research seminars, where speakers present techniques they have used in their research. Speakers give examples of using best practice or novel techniques to achieve better scientific outcomes from software construction and maintainance.

We seek speakers from across the computational research community to present at this series.

The audience may be assumed to be an audience of programming scientists from all fields, so an overview of research content should only assume a general advanced scientific background, while technical software engineering content can be more advanced.