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Drop-in sessions

By Hazel M Ingrey, on 19 January 2018

Wednesday afternoon drop-ins at the TLS office continue as usual.  Each Wednesday, Pam or Hazel will be available from 2.30 – 4.30 pm to:

  • Walk you through getting started
  • Set up a new reading list and add readings
  • Troubleshoot any issues, such as linking to Moodle
  • Give a quick refresher if you haven’t used the lists in a while
  • Provide a quiet seat to get away from your email and telephone to organise your readings!


The TLS office is in UCL Senate House, room 318.  If you aren’t familiar with this UCL Library Hub, come to the South block, third floor and ask at the UCL reception desk; or call the TLS office on 020 3549 5729 (internal x65729).

If Wednesday doesn’t suit, or you would like reading lists set up on your office computer or laptop, then we are very happy to visit you in your department: get in touch to arrange a visit!



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