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UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Information on the UCL Ear Institute & Action on Hearing Loss Libraries


Heia Norge! Norwegian Deaf Ski Club at Barum, 1919

By H Dominic W Stiles, on 28 February 2014

In celebration of Norwegian success at the Winter Olympics, I just came across this picture of the Christiania (Oslo) Deaf at their ski club in Barum 1919 and decided to post it.

Norway Barum 1919

More Norwegians from Christiania (no snow here!)…Norway barum 2 click onto the images for a larger size.Barum 001

Norway Deaf AthletesFinally some Norwegian Deaf athletes – I suppose from 1919 or so.  The photos are probably connected with Selwyn Oxley’s visit to Scandinavia when he went to several Deaf Institutes.

Om det finnes noen som gjenkjenner disse folk vaer så god å skrive til oss (på norsk om du vil).

[We have been very busy so no time for a proper blog entry again!]


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