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Electronic Resources Blog


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Trial access to bne IntelliNews

By Sarah Gilmore, on 23 October 2015

UCL has trial access to bne IntelliNews until Monday 16th November 2015 – from the link, click on the “Login Intellinews Pro” to be taken to the user interface. For off-site access please use Web WTS or Desktop@UCL Anywhere.

bne IntelliNews delivers market news and reports, in English, for over 15 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and regionally for the Middle East/North Africa, Nigeria/Ivory Coast, Sub Saharan Africa, and Asia.

The service includes:

Daily reports: two page summaries combining news, analysis, comments and forecasts, focusing on macroeconomics and country specific politics, as well as major financial and corporate news for any given county.

Weekly reports: Ideal for staying informed about a country’s politics and economy without following events on a day-to-day basis.

Monthly country reports: present an overall picture of the economy with an emphasis on macroeconomic analysis. Highly analytical, the reports also have large statistical sections covering major macroeconomic indicators.

Sector reports: cover sectors of special interest to foreign investors and of great importance to the local economy such as telecoms, energy, construction, tourism, transportation.

Please send feedback on this resource to your subject librarian.

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