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Economics & Public Policy Extra


The latest Library news and information for economists and political scientists



By Kieron L Jones, on 7 January 2009

NationMaster NationMaster comes from Rapid Intelligence, a technology company based in Sydney. It compiles a vast array of data from a variety of sources, for example, the CIA World Factbook, World Bank, FAO and OECD. Categories of data include agriculture, crime, currency, democracy, disasters, economy, education, energy, environment, food, geography, government, health, immigration, industry, Internet, labour, language, lifestyle, media, military, mortality, people, religion, sports, taxation, terrorism and transportation.

Frequently requested charts, such as the richest countries, most populous, most taxed, etc. are listed in the left hand column for quick access. You can view the profiles of individual countries (with maps and flags), as well as use correlation reports and scatterplots to indicate relationships between variables. The sources used for each comparison are listed and you can rapidly change from totals to per capita figures, often a more meaningful representation.

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