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10 quick fire questions with a Fresher

By zcbtnmp, on 21 March 2018

Nikita, final year Pharmacology student, asks her brother Jaimeen, first year Economics student, about his experience of UCL since starting his course in September. 

Starting a degree can be a daunting experience for some and I was no exception. As I was the first in my immediate family to go to university, I did not know what to expect. I had mixed emotions of being both nervous and excited to study my chosen course of Pharmacology for the next four years. You can read more about why I chose Pharmacology here.

Fast forward three years and my younger brother was in the same position as me, researching what he wanted to do after he finished 6th Form. After numerous questions and university open day visits, UCL coincidentally made it into his top five choices.

Fast forward again to September 2017 and my brother was preparing for his first day as a Fresher at UCL! I recently caught up with him to find out how he is doing and his university experience so far.

  1. First, tell us a bit about yourself and something we don’t know?
    My name is Jaimeen and I am a 19 year old student from Twickenham, South West London, currently enjoying life at UCL. I am a huge NBA (National Basketball Association) fan and many early mornings have been spent watching games!
  2. What course do you study and why did you choose it?
    I study Economics and Statistics as it provides a nice blend between economic theory and mathematical and statistical concepts which all complement each other well.
  3. Why did you choose UCL?
    UCL has a global reputation as being one of the best university’s whilst also being in a vibrant city that is full of opportunities and events to be a part of.
  4. How did you find the transition from 6th Form to university life?
    One of the biggest changes is the independence you get during your time at university. Everything is down to you, from making it to your 9am lectures to sorting out where you are going for a social or night out, it won’t get done unless you put in the time and effort.
  5. What did you think of Fresher’s Week?
    Fresher’s week was definitely a lot of fun, from the infamous Fiesta at Koko to the Welcome Fair, it was packed with so many events. It was a great opportunity to meet new people and find out who you are going to be spending the next three to four years with.
  6. Are you currently part of any clubs or societies?
    Yes, I am part of Badminton Club, Economics and Finance (EFS) Society, Indian Society and Hindu Society.
  7. What has been your favourite memory/experience so far?
    Rangeela, a cultural student variety production organised by the UCLU Hindu Society, was one of my favourite experiences. It was amazing seeing so many of my friends put on an incredible show in front of over 1000 people in a West-End theatre. From acting and singing all the way to fashion and dance, Rangeela exhibited a number of hidden talents UCL students have to offer!
  8. What do you like most about UCL? If you could change one thing, what would it be?
    I love the city UCL is in with the vast opportunities that come with it. I wish students were more brave regarding using the Moodle forums to ask questions and give peer feedback as in the majority of cases, there is usually at least one other person who also had the same question!
  9. Do you have any thoughts about what career path you may like to follow?
    In all honesty, I’m not sure. Having applied to various schemes down the financial industry route, I hope to be able to further my understanding of the sector and determine whether it would be a career path I would like to follow in the future. However, generally speaking, I am keeping a broad outlook.
  10. Finally, do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about applying for Economics and Statistics and to university in general?
    Do as much research as possible regarding the course and university and go visit the institution during an open day to get a feel of the environment and surrounding areas. Also, ask current students what their thoughts and opinions are as they are the ones who may have been in your position not so long ago and will be open about their views.

You can find out more information about being a student at UCL from the online UCL prospectus, Transition Scheme, Student’s Union UCL Clubs and Societies Directory and UCL Careers Service.

A word from the writer

I’m Nikita, a fourth year undergraduate on the Pharmacology MSci course here at UCL. I’m from London and currently undertaking a Master’s project at the Centre for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. I’m a Student Ambassador and Senior Transition Mentor and these roles allow me to interact with more prospective and current students at UCL. Outside of my academic studies, I like to cook and bake, go travelling and have a keen eye for photography. I’m always open to exploring and trying out new things!

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