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Digital Education team blog


Ideas and reflections from UCL's Digital Education team


Meet ELE!

By Fiona Strawbridge, on 24 May 2012

We’ve been re-structured!

More than a year in gestation, the ‘Smart IT‘ reorganisation in UCL’s Information Services Division has finally transformed the old LTSS (Learning Technology Support Service) into shiny new E-Learning Environments, aka ELE – (and yes we’re planning lots of cheesy ‘ELEphant in the room’/’ELEphant that’s scared of mice’ jokes and cute logos).

What does it really mean?

Well we are very pleased to be expanding from 8 staff to 15. This means that in addition to the core services that we’ve long been associated with we will be able to work more closely with departments and individuals, we’ll be doing more ‘horizon scanning’ and evaluation work, and will be running trials of new technologies and educational approaches. We will also be working with colleagues in UCL Estates to develop UCL’s physical learning spaces (hence the ‘environments’ part of our name).

ELE has three new sub-teams:

  • E-Learning Services, led by Jason Norton, managing our core services, end-user support and the central training programme.
  • E-Learning Advisory, led by Clive Young, supporting and disseminating good practice through school-facing facilitators who work closely with CALT colleagues, running local events and staff development activities. The team includes a distance learning facilitator.
  • E-Learning Developments, led by Steve Rowett, horizon scanning and evaluating new technologies and pedagogies, running and evaluating trials. The team includes a learning spaces specialist and an evaluation specialist.

If you want to contact anyone in the group email ele@ucl.ac.uk or call x 40820.

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